Re: Help with serials valuation Cynthia Hsieh 14 Apr 2004 19:23 UTC

Hi Elaine:

When we valuated our serials last time, we were able to get the average
subscription cost of our collection from our subscription agent.  You
may want to contact your serial vendor for the information.  Just a

Cynthia Hsieh
Head of Tech Serv
Univ. of the Pacific

>>> edonnell@NGS.ORG 4/14/2004 8:55:20 AM >>>
Dear Serialst-ers,

Today I returned to work after a couple of days off, and found that I
been assigned to determine the replacement cost of our periodicals
collection by this Friday!  Has anyone done this for their collection
recently?  Is there a handy figure similar to the "standard
cost of a book" that my colleague used to determine the replacement
for our regular collection of books?

Obviously, this is a "quick and dirty" valuation, unlike the valuation
our rare books collection, which took several years to complete.  Any
advice would be gratefully appreciated!

Elaine Donnelly, Librarian/Technical Services
National Geographic Society, Libraries & Information Services
1145 17th Street NW, Washington DC  20036-4688
202-857-7794 voice ; 202-429-5731 fax