Help with serials valuation Elaine Donnelly 14 Apr 2004 15:55 UTC

Dear Serialst-ers,

Today I returned to work after a couple of days off, and found that I have
been assigned to determine the replacement cost of our periodicals
collection by this Friday!  Has anyone done this for their collection
recently?  Is there a handy figure similar to the "standard replacement
cost of a book" that my colleague used to determine the replacement value
for our regular collection of books?

Obviously, this is a "quick and dirty" valuation, unlike the valuation of
our rare books collection, which took several years to complete.  Any
advice would be gratefully appreciated!

Elaine Donnelly, Librarian/Technical Services
National Geographic Society, Libraries & Information Services
1145 17th Street NW, Washington DC  20036-4688
202-857-7794 voice ; 202-429-5731 fax