FW: OVGTSL 2004 Conference reminder Stephen Clark 07 Apr 2004 14:33 UTC

-----Original Message-----
From: Angela M Smith [mailto:angel.smith@LOUISVILLE.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:30 AM
Subject: OVGTSL 2004 Conference reminder

Just a reminder that the deadline for registration for this conference
is fast approaching.  If you plan to attend, please have your
registration postmarked by April 15, 2004.  You can find the
registration form online at


"Technical Services = User Services: Making the Connection"

The 2004 Annual OVGTSL Conference will be held Wednesday, May 12 to
Friday, May 14 in Louisville, Kentucky with the theme "Technical
Services = User Services."  This year's keynote speaker will be Janet
Swan Hill,  Director of Technical Services at the University of
Colorado.  Other invited speakers are Lee Van Orsdel, Dean of Libraries
at Eastern Kentucky University and Glenn Patton from OCLC.  We have also
scheduled twelve mini-sessions on various aspects of technical services
submitted by librarians from six states.

Our registration fee of $95.00 includes the Wednesday evening reception
and four meals, including the baseball-themed Thursday night dinner to
be held at the Louisville Slugger Museum.  The conference registration
deadline is April 15, 2004.

The conference site is the Galt House Hotel, overlooking the Ohio River
in downtown Louisville. For additional information about Hotel
Registration and driving directions, Conference Registration, the
preliminary program, and the Thursday dinner  see our website at:
http://www.library.louisville.edu/OVGTSL2004/home.htm  .