Re: Print Journal Usage redhead 30 Apr 2004 16:07 UTC

We also barcode the bound volumes.  If the volume is used in-house rather than
checked out, we wand the barcode before shelfing to add a browse count.

For unbound journals in the reading areas, we added the barcode to the shelf
label. The item record reads "current issues". We ask that users do not
reshelve so that we can have library staff (student assitants)  browse the
barcode (using a palm pilot) when they shelve. The information is later
downloaded into our ILS.

We are then able to create an access report that gives the browse and
circulation counts for the specific time frame  by unbound or bound or by
totaling the numbers for overall use.

>===== Original Message From "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
>We continually do bound journal print statistics by having bar codes in
>each volume and having our students wand each volume before they shelve
>We did unbound journal statistics for one year by affixing a white
>multi-purpose label to the back of each print journal as it was checked
>in every day. Then when the students went to shelve the journal they
>made a stick mark on the label every time it was shelved. When the
>journals were pulled for the bindery, the stick marks were tabulated by
>journal title.  These tabulations were then mounted on an Excel spread
>sheet for easy statistical analysis. We used the statistics gathered to
>aid in print cancellation decisions. It worked out very well.
>> at the moment we are considering how to measure the usage of our print
>> journal collection. We have a journal reading room here for the current
>> issues - one part of the room is presented subject focussed and is
>> freely accessible by our patrons. The remaining journals are in the back
>> of the room and the issues wanted have to be fetched by the enquiry
>> staff located in the reading room. Now I was wondering if anyone of you
>> has experiences with print journal usage analysis and is willing to
>> share this with us?
>> Thanks for your help in advance and best wishes from sunny Bremen
>> (Germany)!
>> Rachel
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Rachel Ellis
>> Electronic Resources Librarian
>> Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Bremen
>> Postfach 33 01 60
>> 28331 Bremen
>> Germany
>> Tel: (0049)421-218-4902
>> Fax: (0049)421-218-2665
>> --------------------------------------------------
>Lillian N. DeBlois, MLS
>Arizona Health Sciences Library
>P.O. Box 245079
>Tucson, AZ 85724

Mary Bailey
Serials Manager
Kansas State University Libraries
Manhattan, KS 66506