Print Journal Usage Rachel Ellis 30 Apr 2004 08:44 UTC

Dear all,

at the moment we are considering how to measure the usage of our print
journal collection. We have a journal reading room here for the current
issues - one part of the room is presented subject focussed and is
freely accessible by our patrons. The remaining journals are in the back
of the room and the issues wanted have to be fetched by the enquiry
staff located in the reading room. Now I was wondering if anyone of you
has experiences with print journal usage analysis and is willing to
share this with us?

Thanks for your help in advance and best wishes from sunny Bremen (Germany)!


Rachel Ellis
Electronic Resources Librarian
Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Bremen
Postfach 33 01 60
28331 Bremen
Tel: (0049)421-218-4902
Fax: (0049)421-218-2665