Re: Taylor & Francis. Jean Dartnall 29 Apr 2004 22:18 UTC

Dear Christopher

We had a very similar problem with Taylor & Francis direct subscriptions
paying their London office.  The situation we had seemed to be that we
paid but the office could not work out what the payment was for because
of exchange rates and bank charges changing the totals from those
expected.  We had one year when they finally found the payments and we
got our issues late, one year when they never did find the payment and
we didn't get our issues.  The next year we moved all our subs to a
vendor and everything has been fine.


Christopher Allen Waldrop wrote:

> Dear librarians,
> We've been having an extraordinary amount of trouble with our
> Taylor & Francis subscriptions. We order several direct, and the
> problem seems to be that our payments go to their lock box in
> Chicago, get processed, then disappear. I've had to request two
> copies of cancelled checks from our accounting department so far,
> and I'm afraid there will be others. The customer service people
> have tried to be as helpful as they can, but apparently there's no
> communication between the office in Chicago and their customer
> service department in Philadelphia.
> Are any other libraries having this problem? I think we're going to
> move our subscriptions to a vendor in 2005, but that doesn't help
> us with the current year. And if it's a problem with how Taylor &
> Francis is processing all their payments then I'm concerned
> switching to a vendor won't help.
> Christopher Allen Waldrop
> Serials Coordinator
> Order Services Department
> Vanderbilt University Library
> Ph: 615-343-3831
> Fax: 615-343-8834

Jean Dartnall
Research Publication Reporting Project Officer
Information Resources
Library Building
James Cook University
Townsville, Queensland 4811

(07) 4811 4723