FW: [SERIALST] Ideas for promoting and marketing the serials department Charles L. King 22 Apr 2004 23:00 UTC

From: Charles L. King [mailto:charlesk@lib.state.hi.us]
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:28 PM
To: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
Subject: RE: [SERIALST] Ideas for promoting and marketing the serials

We have high school and college students coming in and making the same comments.  I finally made up the below letter which we have ready to hand out to any student.  We tell them to use the online articles and to include the letter with their work.  That seems to relieve their anxiety.  The citation examples on the bottom are just our attempt to be helpful.

To:      Course Instructor
From:                        , Hawaii State Public Library System

Student ___________________ was in the library searching for newspaper/journal articles, and found some in the EBSCOhost electronic databases.

Due to budgetary constraints, HSPLS is not able to subscribe to paper copies of as many titles as we would wish.  EBSCOhost  provides us with subscriptions to thousands of titles we would otherwise be unable to acquire.

EBSCOhost's proprietary databases typically include catalog records on articles from journals, newspapers and other periodical sources, and in many cases, the full text of these articles, meaning that the text of the article is provided by the publisher, and is included along with the article citation. These databases typically include the following information:
·      Journal Title
·      Journal ISSN
·      Journal Volume Number
·      Journal Issue Number
·      Journal Publication Date
·      Article Page Length
·      Article Images
·      Article Author(s)
·      Article Abstract

Although access to these sources is obtained via the internet, due to their proprietary nature they should not be considered as routine internet sources.  These full-text articles are, in fact, duplicates of the print edition.

MLA citation format:

Author. “Article Title.” Journal Title Volume number.Issue number (Year): Number of pages or paragraphs (if given), or n. pag. (for no pagination).  Medium. Supplier. Database name. Database identifier or number if available. Item or accession number. Access date.


Yam, Philip. “See Under the Sea.” Scientific American 289.2 (2003): ¼ pp.  Online. EBSCOhost. MasterFILE Premier. 10196569. 5 February 2004

Lubick, Naomi. “Sea Travelers See Better.” Science Now (5/13/2000): 2 pp. Online. EBSCOhost. MasterFILE Premier. 9768060. 5 February 2004.

Straub, Martin. “Computer Network Security: Fact or Fiction?” Wenatchee Business Journal 17.10 (2003): 2 pp. Online. EBSCOhost. Regional Business News. 11034632.  6 February 2004.

Charles L. King
Serials Librarian
Hawaii State Library
478 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813-2994

        -----Original Message-----
        From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Emmett Denny
        Sent: Wed 4/21/2004 11:44 AM
        Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Ideas for promoting and marketing the serials department

        I have found through my work at one college and one university that
        instructors unwittingly hinder electronic serial usage.  So often students
        come into the library and are shown electronic journals and their response
        at times is: "My teacher said I could not use any sources off the Internet.
        It has to be paper."

        Emmett Denny
        Interim Head of Technical Services
        Florida A&M University
        Tallahassee, FL   32307
