LOCKSS Program at ALA in Orlando Cindy Hepfer 31 Mar 2004 22:04 UTC

With apologies for duplicate postings, this message is posted on behalf of
the ALCTS Serials Section Education Committee, which is co-sponsoring the
Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) : A Solution for Archiving and
Accessing Web Materials

ALA Annual, Orlando
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2004
Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Location: Renaissance Orlando Resort, Crystal Ballroom E

Librarians have always been concerned with ensuring permanent access to our
collections.  We know that easy access to information often depends on
redundancy --i.e., "lots of copies".  The shift to electronic materials
that are often leased rather than owned has increased our concerns about
long-term access.

A new system called LOCKSS enables libraries to collect and locally store,
preserve, and archive authorized content by creating low-cost, persistent
digital caches of authoritative versions of web-based content.  Through
LOCKSS, librarians have the opportunity to retain local control of
electronic content while preserving its original functionality.

This program, co-sponsored by the ALCTS Serials Section Education Committee
and the LITA Open Source Systems Interest Group, will present an overview
of LOCKSS, including its philosophy, technology, and current development.
The program will explain why LOCKSS is so important, what it can do for
libraries, and how libraries can participate.  The featured speaker will be
Thomas Robertson, Technical Manager, LOCKSS Program, Stanford University
Libraries and Academic Resources.  He will be followed by two panelists,
Martin Halbert (Director for Library Systems, Emory University) and Thomas
Izbicki (Collection Development Coordinator, Johns Hopkins University).
Jeffrey Horrell (Associate Librarian of Harvard College Collections,
Harvard University) will serve as moderator.

We hope that librarians who work in collection development,
serials/acquisitions, metadata and digital resources, preservation,
systems, or library administration, as well as publishers and information
vendors--really, anyone interested in long-term access to electronic
resources--will be able to attend.
Cindy Hepfer
Head, Collection Management Services
Health Sciences Library, Abbott Hall
University at Buffalo
3435 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214-3002
716-829-3900 x124; Fax: 716-829-2211