Re: West Africa dead--there is new publications by editors
Stacy Nelson 23 Mar 2004 20:23 UTC
We here at UCSD just researched this mess last week so hopefully we can
save someone some research time. Please go to
to see a note about how West Africa magazine suspended publication, but
the editors have started a new online magazine.
The last printed issue that we received and that anyone seems to have
received is no. 4384 July 13, 2003, tho' the West Africa web site seems
to show pictures of issues published through October, no. 4398 . Maybe
these later issues were printed but
never distributed (how to catalog THAT cessation, I wonder..!)?
I don't know how to ascertain the ACTUAL cessation date/issue. Perhaps
send an email to the previous editors to confirm what the situation was
(did a whole lot of web searching on this and couldn't get a real answer
and the old website does not even note a cessation). Apparently there
was a big bouhaha with staffers and journalists not getting paid for
months and months last year and it sounds like everyone jumped ship.
We're considering our records "suspended" with no. 4383.
Hope this helps some of you out...
Stacy Nelson
Serials Acquisitions
University of California San Diego
>>> dcain@OU.EDU 03/23/04 11:34AM >>>
Dear Serial Listers,
Our library has subscribed to West Africa since 1985.
Abruptly, in July 2003, our subscription suddenly stopped. All
to claim the title or contact the publisher have failed.
OCLC does not indicate it has ceased.
Does anyone have any info to share about the status of this title? Is
any other library experiencing difficulty with this title?
Any comments that can clarify the status of the publication will be
greatly appreciated.
Danielle Cain, Serials Supervisor
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Serials Dept.
401 W. Brooks, LL Room 211
Norman, Ok 73019
phone (405) 325-2142
fax (405) 325-1893