We stopped receiving our issues around the same time and our vendor has
refunded our 2004 order because they were unable to locate publisher....
Teresa Grant
Library Specialist I
EKU Libraries
Phone: (859) 622-1783
Fax: (859) 622-1174
e-mail: Teresa.Grant@eku.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: Cain, Jacquelynn D. [mailto:dcain@OU.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] West Africa
Dear Serial Listers,
Our library has subscribed to West Africa since 1985.
Abruptly, in July 2003, our subscription suddenly stopped. All attempts
to claim the title or contact the publisher have failed.
OCLC does not indicate it has ceased.
Does anyone have any info to share about the status of this title? Is
any other library experiencing difficulty with this title?
Any comments that can clarify the status of the publication will be
greatly appreciated.
Danielle Cain, Serials Supervisor
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Serials Dept.
401 W. Brooks, LL Room 211
Norman, Ok 73019
phone (405) 325-2142
fax (405) 325-1893
email dcain@ou.edu