Re: holdings format Jane Schmidt 15 Mar 2004 14:46 UTC


Some of your questions will be dictated by what system you are using.
We are an Innovative library, therefore, any microfilm holdings are
entered in a check in record seperate from print holdings.  In this
manner, you can still enter in all of the relevant MFHD fields, and
account for gaps or irregularities.

Checked in issues can be listed under either the 863-865 fields, or
under the 866-868 fields, depending on whether or not you have chosen to
suppress itemized holdings 863-865) fields in favour of the free text
statement (866-868).  If you have chosen itemized holdings, you may
select the option to compress them into a single range statement, as
opposed to a line by line account of each issue.

Jane Schmidt
Ryerson University Library
Toronto, ON

Fatmeh Charafeddine wrote:

>I have a question about MARC 21 holdings format.
>In what MARC fields  are the checked in issues listed:853-855; 863-865;866-868;876-878 ??
>Do we always have to bind serials issue ?
>I am specifically interested in issues of Microfilms of newspapers, are they to be considered
>serials issues (which they are ordered as such) or should we transfer them to bound volumes
>after checking them as serials issues.
>I would greatly appreciate any HELP.
>Many thanks and regards
>Fatme Charafeddine
>Serials Librarian/ University Libraries
>American University of Beirut