Re: Who is using link resolvers?
Fatmeh Charafeddine 04 Mar 2004 07:42 UTC
We use 1 Cate I don't see it listed there. It has introduced a big change to articles retrieval.
The problems we are having are in most cases caused by the lack of standardization of the whole process
and are not necessarily the responsibility of 1Cate.
We having serious complains and problems with the following:
The linking option is provided regardless of the availability of the article in full text through the link resolver.
I find this is to be misleading to the user. And it draws lots of complains and inquiries. The option should
be provided only when the article is in full text and not abstract.
A big problem is in the article level linking because is not available from all providers. 1 Cate provides,
in all cases, both the title and article linking options. The user has to try both to know which one is working.
This is not what a user see as efficient or friendly linking.
Some database providers, such as Gale, give the Open URl Linking option with each citation of an article, which is confusing
and not necessary in the cases where the article is available in full text in the database itself. It looks much better when the linking
option is provided only in cases when full text is not available, as is applied in Ebsco and Proquest databases.
I am interested in reading others feedback.
I would be very grateful if you cc me,
Fatme Charafeddine
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Frohlich" <frohlich@MAIL.MCNEESE.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 10:02 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Who is using link resolvers?
> If your library is using a link resolver, such as SFX, Ebsco's LinkSource,
> Goldrush, Serials Solutions Article Linker, please tell me which one.
> What do you think of it? How hard is it to configure, etc.? What problems
> have you had? Would you recommend it for another academic library?
> Thank you,
> Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian
> McNeese State University Library
> Box 91445
> Lake Charles, LA 70609
> Phone: 337-475-5741
> Fax: 337-475-5719