Re: Who is using link resolvers?
Marshall, Susan 03 Mar 2004 22:42 UTC
We are using Article Linker from Serials Solutions.
The product is working very well for us. Since we do not have
a large staff and SS's already had all of our journal data because we are
subscribers to their e-Portal, it was a perfect fit. The resolver is hosted
on their server
and they create all of the targets required. The only piece we had to do
here was to
set up the resolver link in our Source databases and determine what
additional services
(type of catalog searching, ILL, google search, etc) that we wanted to add.
They now allow us to customize the resolver results page. Our faculty and
students really like how well
it is working here.
Also, I am pleased and impressed with Serials Solutions' responsiveness to
my ideas and problems.
Problems occur not because of the resolver software, but because some of our
source databases that provide
OpenURL links, do not provide all of the elements to make a complete
citation within the OpenURL. It follows
then that this makes it difficult for any automated system to find the
If you would like more detail, please feel free to contact me off the list.
Sue Marshall
Electronic Resources Librarian
Renne Library
Montana State University
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT 59717-3320
(406) 994-4313
Fax (406) 994-2851
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU]On Behalf Of Anne Frohlich
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 1:03 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Who is using link resolvers?
If your library is using a link resolver, such as SFX, Ebsco's LinkSource,
Goldrush, Serials Solutions Article Linker, please tell me which one.
What do you think of it? How hard is it to configure, etc.? What problems
have you had? Would you recommend it for another academic library?
Thank you,
Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian
McNeese State University Library
Box 91445
Lake Charles, LA 70609
Phone: 337-475-5741
Fax: 337-475-5719