Re: New Jersey outdoors Elaine Donnelly 01 Mar 2004 20:17 UTC

I called the publisher last April after I saw on their website that the
title had ceased.  They told me that Summer 2002 was the last issue

Elaine Donnelly, Librarian/Technical Services
National Geographic Society, Libraries & Information Services
1145 17th Street NW, Washington DC  20036-4688
202-857-7794 voice ; 202-429-5731 fax

             "Creech, Anna"
             EDU>                                                       To
             Sent by:                  SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
             "SERIALST:                                                 cc
             Serials in
             Libraries                                             Subject
             Discussion Forum"         [SERIALST] New Jersey outdoors

             03/01/2004 01:05

             Please respond to
                Serials in
             Discussion Forum"

Could someone please verify that this publication has ceased?  If so,
any idea when that will be reflected on the OCLC record (3176825)?

Anna Creech, MLS
Serials & Electronic Resources
Eastern Kentucky University
(859) 622-3062

"Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness. These are people
who get asked regularly the dumbest questions on God's green earth.
These people tolerate every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth
breather there is."
    --Garrison Keillor