From: Lynn Cote <>
Subject: RE: [SERIALST] OG (aka Organic Gardening)
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:37:20 -0500
I couldn't agree with you more! When I initially saw the email
about Journal of Cost Management, I breathed a sigh of relief to
find we had cancelled our subscription quite a few years ago! Our
journals check-in is done by students and I have spent years (and
years) drilling into them to search by title and not ISSN (for many
previously discussed reasons) specifically for
identification of title changes. I am dreading the day when we
identify a minor title change, such as this one, for a title we own
and that I have to assure that our students will first find the
check-in record in our serials check-in module and then read the
note to label it appropriately so that it
can be shelved correctly. I'm sure this is more problematic for
library journal collections that are shelved alphabetically. While
this change may be intended to lessen the number of title changes
and therefore decrease the number of bibliographic records added to
our national utilities, it certainly will increase the workload at
the institution (workflow)level which entails assuring correct
shelving entry, informing/educating our
reference staff and users to look at a variety of notes in the
online catalog to determine if there is a shelving entry that
differs from 245 (and that may also differ from a citation, as you
Lynn K. Cote
Serials Cataloger/Serials Receipt Coordinator
University of Connecticut Libraries
Collections Services, U-1005
369 Fairfield Rd.
Storrs, CT 06269-1005
ph. (860)486-6495
fax (860)486-6493
-----Original Message-----
From: Aufdemberge, Karen J. [mailto:KAufdem@UTNET.UTOLEDO.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] OG (aka Organic Gardening)
In reply to Steve's question on how the revised rules are working
for others, I'd like to mention that the most vexing case I've come
across so far was the change from Journal of Cost Management to
Cost Management, which according to the new rules is a *minor*
change. (BTW, this was discussed on
SERIALST just a few months ago.)
I wonder if a patron searching the catalog to see if the library
holds Cost Management (which is almost certainly the title that
will be used in citations) may very likely assume that the title is
*not* held, when the title shown in the retrieved record is
"Journal of Cost Management." And what about claim forms that
print the title from the 245 field? Won't having the former title
on the claim just cause confusion for the vendor or publisher?
I think that NOT treating this as a title change not only creates
confusion for the check-in staff and patrons, but also creates more
work for the serials librarian. Instead of just going through the
usual procedure for a title change, you have to decide whether to
continue to shelve current issues under the "former" title (the
title in the 245 field), which means re-labeling all issues
received henceforth with the correct shelving title, or shelving
older volumes under the former title and current volumes under
the current title, which means adding notes to the record
explaining the shelving situation to patrons.
Karen Aufdemberge
Serials & Electronic Resources Cataloger
Carlson Library (Mail Stop 509)
University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606