SCCTP Integrating Resources Cataloging workshop: Jan. 22-23, San Diego (Julie Su)
SERIALST Moderator 08 Jan 2004 04:06 UTC
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 16:21:07 -0800 (PST)
From: julie su <>
Subject: SCCTP Integrating Resources Cataloging workshop: Jan. 22-23, San Diego
OCLC Western will host a SCCTP Integrating Resources Cataloging Workshop
at the National University in San Diego on January 22-23, 2004.
The course is based on the revised chapters 9 and 12 of AACR2 and covers
all integrating resources, with an emphasis on electronic resources. The
workshop covers the new rules that have been added to these chapters and
will be provide timely guidance to monograph, serials, and electronic
resource catalogers who may be responsible for cataloging them.
Workshop sessions include: an introduction to integrating resources and
their identification; instructions for cataloging updating Web sites,
databases, and loose-leafs; making changes to records; case studies and
more difficult aspects of cataloging electronic integrating resources;
resource selection and options for access; and an optional session on the
cataloging of loose-leaf services.
Instructors: Greta de Groat, Electronic Media Cataloger at Stanford
University Libraries
Julie Su, Head of Serials, San Diego State University Library
Registration fee: $150.00
Register at the OCLC Western Service Center's Training page:
Julie Su
Digital Resources/Serials Librarian
Library and Information Services
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-8050
619 594-0904 (work) 619 594-4093 (fax)