APMIS Erratum reprint Barb Dietsch 19 Nov 2003 20:16 UTC

To APMIS subscribers and Blackwell Munksgaard customer service,

Today I received the following APMIS issues from Blackwell Munksgaard
together in one mailing envelope:

   vol. 111, no. 10, October 2003
   vol. 111, no. 115, supplementum 105, 2003 (titled Collagen Deposition
   in the Subcutaneous Tissue during Wound Healing in Humans: A Model
   and an erratum (spelled Eratum on the cover) reprint for an article
   titled Assessment of Ghrelin (first author is Ulrick Espelund)

Other APMIS subscribers will probably have the same question I did:

The volume/issue/date information for the article is not printed
anywhere on the reprint, so which APMIS issue is the original article
printed in so that I can attach the erratum reprint?

I conducted several title and author searches in Blackwell-Synergy but
was unable to retrieve an article called Assessment of Ghrelin or any
articles by the first author, Ulrick Espelund.  Maybe a glitch or
temporary problem with the Blackwell-Synergy server or database?
Although I actually think that the problem is that APMIS Supplementum
full-text content is not currently available in Blackwell-Synergy.

Anyway, I was able to retrieve the citation and abstract in PubMed.  So
for all you other subscribers who will be trying to locate the original
article, go to:

APMIS vol. 111, supplementum 109, 2003
titled:  In honor of Professor Jens Christian Djurhuus

My question for Blackwell-Synergy is, where can we find the full-text
content for the APMIS Supplementums?


 Barbara Dietsch, Serials Coordinator
 EPA Library - UNC Contract Staff
 109 Alexander Drive (C267-01)
 Research Triangle Park, NC  27711