online only anals Paul Moeller 18 Nov 2003 19:24 UTC

Next year, we will be dropping many of the print subscriptions to serial and
series publications that we are currently receiving in both print and
electronic versions. This will include many serial titles that we currently

We are interested in knowing what other large academic libraries have done
in this situation.  Are you continuing to supply analytics in your local
catalog once an analyzed serial becomes available only online?  If you do,
what percentage of records needs to be created originally? If you have
persevered in providing anals, how has it effected your cataloging staffing?
What means do you use to identify and notify catalogers that a serial or
series title has become available only electronically?  When the publisher
does not provide an automated notification service, how do you remain aware
of when new volumes become available online?  Do you feel the access
provided through the publisher's Web site and/or other indexing services
makes the provision of anals in ones catalog unnecessary?

If you have decided not to continue providing anals, have you received many
complaints from reference personnel and patrons?

Thank you for your consideration of our questions.  Please excuse the

Paul Moeller

University of Colorado at Boulder