Re: Binding Martha Coleman 17 Nov 2003 13:55 UTC

Hi Beth,
We stopped binding many of our titles based on electronic access or
microform archives and made limited retention decisions, i.e. "Library
retains 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, etc."  We use the 866 text holdings
field and every December we print a list of titles based on the search
"866 HAS Retains" (III automated system) and a student pulls the oldest
year and relabels the periodical box for the upcoming year.  We made
this decision based on lack of shelf space and we have not had any
major complaints.  We continue to bind visually-oriented titles such as
our art journals or National Geographic, local titles of interest, and
some news magazines just to have a visual snapshot of the world.  I
feel like manually browsing older issues of a title allows the mind to
make connections that are not possible using an electronic database.
Hope this helps.
Beth Holley wrote:

>We recently experienced a 75% cut in our binding budget.  What creative
>solutions have others implemented when faced with this problem?  If you
>stopped binding journals to which you have electronic access, how did
>you handle the storage of the single issues? Did you barcode and link
>each issue?  Has anyone used shrinkwrap as an alternative?
>Thanks for you help.
> Beth Holley
> Head, Acquisitions Dept.
> University of Alabama Libraries
> P.O. Box 870266
> Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
> Phone: 205-348-1493
> FAX: 205-348-6358

Martha Coleman
Reference/Serials Librarian
University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
Boreham Library
5210 Grand Avenue   PO Box 3649
Fort Smith,  AR  72913
479-788-7208     FAX 479-788-7209