New service launches providing free access to online journals Stacy Matwick 12 Nov 2003 17:21 UTC

Apologies for any cross-posting but I thought you all might find this of
Especially any of you dealing with Developing or Transitional country
Thanks very much
Stacy Matwick
Information Centre
International Institute for Sustainable Development
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win." Gandhi

-----Original Message-----
From: GDNI []
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 10:34 AM
To: GDNews
Subject: [gdnews] New service launches providing free access to online

**** New service launches providing free access to online journals.****

GDN-North America's new Free Journal Access Portal enables social
science researchers based in developing or transitional countries to
access a searchable, full-text, online database of more than 120
well-known social-science journals, free of charge!

Created especially for GDNet Profile holders based in low or middle
income countries, the new Journal Access Portal aims to address the
difficulty faced by many researchers in the global south in accessing
journal articles to support their research.

The list of journals offered through the service includes Demography,
World Politics, The Journal of Democracy, Anthropological Quarterly,
Technology and Culture, and several regional-studies journals, among
many others.

If you would like to use the new service, but do not have a GDNet
Profile, you will need to first create one at:

The Free Journal Access Portal is made available to GDNet Profile
holders by the Center for Global Development and the Global Development
Network-North America (GDN-NA), in cooperation with Project MUSE of the
John Hopkins University Press.

We hope you find this service a useful addition to GDNet's services.
Please let the GDNet team know if you have any comments on

If you are already an eligible GDNet Profile holder, you should have
received a separate email notification.