Re: Nature price hike Donna Skekel 05 Nov 2003 20:10 UTC

We have recently experienced the opposite problem: we have this title in print and were looking to obtain the most current issues online (we already have access from 1997 to one year ago in Academic Search database).  The price for online access has given us sticker shock, to say the least.  It looks like both the print and online prices are rapidly going up, up, up.  This issue has just recently come up for us so we haven't made a decision yet.

-----Original Message-----
From: van Sickle, Jennifer [mailto:Jennifer.Vansickle@TRINCOLL.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 3:03 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Nature price hike

Dear SERIALST-ers,

We've been notified that our print subscription to Nature will increase
by about 30% for 2004.  Given that we (and other libraries) continue to
pay a substantial additional fee for online access while our budgets are
shrinking, this rate hike is excessive and could not come at a worse
time.  We are a captive audience for this title, and I wonder if the
publisher is trying to steer readers away from print.  If there is
anyone lurking from Nature Publishing Group, perhaps he/she could
comment on this.



Jennifer van Sickle

Serials Librarian/Sciences Coordinator

Trinity College Library

300 Summit St.

Hartford, CT USA 06106

phone: 860-297-2250

fax: 860-297-2251