Taylor & Francis acquisition of CRC Press Barb Dietsch 05 Nov 2003 20:34 UTC

As you might already know, Taylor & Francis has acquired CRC Press.
Although this acquisition occurred several months ago, no notice has
been posted on either website (www.tandf.co.uk/journals and

My question is this, will CRC Press journal titles, such as Critical
Reviews in Toxicology, still be accessible in Elsevier's online product
ScienceDirect?  Has anyone heard anything about this?

I have had no luck in my attempts to find out directly from these
companies.  CRC Press doesn't know and refers me to Taylor and Francis.
ScienceDirect/Elsevier doesn't know.  A couple of months ago, Taylor and
Francis customer service representatives didn't know.  I tried again
today to contact a customer service representative who might know about
the ramifications of this acquisition.  No luck!  I am currently waiting
for someone to call back from Taylor and Francis, but I thought I post
this question to the listserv.

Any information would be helpful!


 Barbara Dietsch, Serials Coordinator
 EPA Library - UNC Contract Staff
 109 Alexander Drive (C267-01)
 Research Triangle Park, NC  27711