Re: Periodical Holdings List (6 messages) Bob Persing 06 Oct 2003 18:46 UTC

Message #1:
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 13:10:47 -0400
From: "Raimo Hepolehto" <>
Subject: Re: Periodical Holdings List

We are are a large public reference library with about 3500 active
periodical subscriptions, and perhaps 10000+ titles including inactive
holdings. We haven't produced a print copy of our periodicals holdings
since 1997. For the most part we use the OPAC. We also have a stand-alone
database of active titles only in ProCite5. We use this database to print
subject lists for patrons when we need to. We do this keep a copy of the
1997 periodicals list at the reference desk, as we still find it useful
for some of our older material (we have materials going back to the 18th
and 19th centuries) It would be nice to have the the print copy updated
but the cost is prohibitive.

Raimo Hepolehto
Periodicals Centre
Toronto Reference Library

Message #2:
Subject: Periodicals Holding Lists
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 13:32:28 -0400
From: "Koveleskie, Judith" <>

I was surprised to see that so many folks are keeping paper lists.  With
the number of changes to titles, frequency, etc., I wonder what is the
rationale?  We rely on our online catalog for both lists of titles and
details about each one.  Then when cataloging is updated, patrons have
the latest information.

Judith A. Koveleskie
Periodicals Librarian
Seton Hill University
Reeves Memorial Library
Greensburg, PA 15601

Message # 3:
From: "Bluhm-Stieber, Hella" <>
To: "'SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum'"
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 10:31:58 -0700
Subject: RE: Periodical Holdings List

We still have a print version of our journal holdings list for our patrons
and staff to use in the library. We also send it out to other libraries. We
try to update it once a year. If we have many changes like our current
weeding project, more often.
We use a MS Word file and publish it on the hospital Intranet.
Even though we have our holdings in the PubMed LinkOut, there is no way to
list all non-Medline titles in Serhold and to indicate which titles are in
off-site storage or on microfiche. That is why we still need a paper list.

Hella Bluhm-Stieber, MLIS, AHIP
Milton J. Chatton Medical Library
Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System
751 S. Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 885-5654
Fax (408) 885-5655

Message # 4:
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 06:55:20 -1100
Subject: Re: Periodical Holdings List

We continue to maintain the printed list which is updated at
least once a year.  There are several copies in the library,
and it is used quite a bit.

Also, it was VERY handy during a "partial" blackout in the
library recently.  The computers were down, and half the
lights were out, but there was enough power to keep the
building open and the students looking for journals!
Kathy Kobyljanec
Periodicals/Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Grasselli Library/Breen Learning Center
John Carroll University
University Hts., Ohio  44118

Message # 5:
From: "Susan E. Sturgeon" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:06:45 -0400
Subject: Re: Periodical Holdings List

We are working to rid ourselves of our annually produced print
periodicals list, but a lot depends on whether or not
SerialsSolutions or EBSCO A-Z can actually come up with a list which
shows ALL titles, living and dead, with specific holdings for each
title.  When that happens, we will wean ourselves from the print.
The list was available online until we started getting
SerialsSolutions, which we now use instead.

Susan Sturgeon
Serials Librarian
Salem State College Library
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA 01970
(978) 542-6765

Message #6:
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:23:37 -0400
From: "Davies, April C" <>

We do a print and an online version. The information is stored in an
Access database which is used to generate the print version each fall
and to dynamically update the web version. Take a look if you want:

For our e-journals and things in aggregators, we use SFX to generate a
separate list. It'd be nice if the 2 lists could be integrated but we're
not there yet.

  April Davies
  Catalog/Authority Control Librarian
  Van Wagenen Library
  SUNY Cobleskill
  518-255-5887 / 518-255-5843 fax

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 10:50:36 -0400 "Washkevich, Peter"
<Peter.Washkevich@ERAU.EDU> wrote:

> I am interested in finding out if other libraries are still maintaining a
> print list of titles and holdings for their periodicals collection,
which is
> used at the reference desk and other service points in the library.  If so,
> how often do you update it?
> Also, is there an electronic version of your list?  In Access? etc.
> Thanks in advance for letting our library know what others are doing!
> Peter Washkevich
> Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
> Daytona Beach, FL