midwinter symposia Pamela Bluh 31 Oct 2003 16:57 UTC

Apologies for cross-posting.
Please pass this along to any who may be interested in these symposia.

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is
pleased to announce three symposia on Friday, January 9th at the American
Library Association's Midwinter Meeting in San Diego, CA.

See the ALCTS Web site at www.ala.org/alcts/events for information and to

Taming the Electronic Tiger: Effective Management of Electronic Resources
Presented by the ALCTS Serials Section

"Taming the Electronic Tiger" focuses on the management of electronic
resources, examining technical as well as administrative matters.  The
symposium is relevant to librarians in all kinds and sizes of libraries and to
technical, public services, and collection development librarians, IT
specialists, and library administrators.

Speakers: Friedemann Weigel, Harrassowitz; Sandy Hurd, Digital Solutions,
Innovative Interfaces, Inc.; Richard Boss, Independent Library Technology
Consultant; Tim Bucknall, Univ. of North Carolina, Greensboro; Norm Medeiros,
Haverford College; Bob Molyneux, Statistics and Surveys at the National
Commission on Library and Information Science (NCLIS).

Advance Registration Fees: ALA member: $230; ALCTS member: $195; Non-member:
$265; Student: $99. Onsite: ALA member: $250; ALCTS member: $215; Non-member:
$285; Student: $99.

ALCTS thanks Ebsco Subscription Services, Ex Libris, and Springer Verlag, New
York for their support of the Symposium.


Successful Fundraising in Turbulent Times
Presented by ALCTS & the Library Administration and Management Association
(LAMA) Fundraising and Financial Development Section

For the first time in 30 years, funding is down from all 5-income streams for
libraries: government, foundation grants, corporate sponsors, earned income,
and individual donations. Librarians need to have a clear strategy to find new
donors and larger gifts from their current donors. After a review of the
general principles of good fundraising, we will offer two special afternoon
sessions.   Librarians and trustees will share their success stories of best
practices that work well now.   Association staff will learn how to make the
case for new funding.

Speakers: Joan Flanagan, President, Joan Flanagan & Assoc.; Peter D. Pearson,
President, The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library.

Advance Registration Fees:  ALA member: $210; LAMA/ALCTS member: $175;
Non-member: $245; Student: $90. Onsite: ALA member: $230; LAMA/ALCTS member:
$195; Non-member: $265; Student: $90.


Preparing the 21st Century Cataloging and Metadata Professionals: A Workshop
for Educators and Trainers
Presented by ALCTS/Association for Library and Information Science Education
(ALISE) Task Force for Preparing Cataloging and Metadata Educators and

Targeted to library and information science (LIS) educators and continuing
education and training providers, this symposium will highlight strategies for
integrating metadata and Web resource cataloging into LIS and continuing
education courses and curricula. Attendance is limited and registration is by

Speakers: Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, Assoc. Prof., School of Lib. & Info. Science,
Catholic Univ. of America; Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of
Info. Studies, Graduate School of Ed. & Info. Studies, Univ. of Calif., Los
Angeles; Arlene Taylor, Prof., Depart. of Lib. and Info. Science, School of
Info. Sciences, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Steven J. Miller, Senior Academic Libn.,
Golda Meir Lib. Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Stuart A. Sutton, Assoc. Prof.,
The Information School, iSchool Research Commons, Univ. of WA; Diane Hillmann,
Metadata Specialist, Cornell Univ. Lib.; Janet Swan Hill, Assoc. Dir., Tech.
Serv., Univ. of CO Lib.

Registration is $25 and due with application.
For more information and to register, visit the ALCTS Web site at
http://www.ala.org/alcts/events or contact Julie Reese; ALCTS; 50 East Huron
Street; Chicago, IL 60611; (800) 545-2433 ext. 5034; (312) 280-5033, fax;

ALCTS thanks OCLC for the support of this workshop.