PowerPoint, etc. Birdie MacLennan 29 Oct 2003 21:41 UTC


Our library's web page offers a basic guide to Microsoft PowerPoint:
http://library.uvm.edu/guides/computing/powerpointguide.pdf  (there's
other computing guides offered at:
http://library.uvm.edu/guides/computing/index.html )

The best place to start is by choosing a "design template" and adding
whatever content you have (that which you wish to present) into the
template's "slide(s)".  You can use the cheatsheet table in the basic
guide for instructions on how to navigate through different software

Also, if you do a search on the word "powerpoint" or "powerpoint
presentations" in any of the generic internet search engines (Google,
Yahoo, etc.) you're bound to find lots (more than you want or need!) of
information about how people use PowerPoint.

As for content for what to include in your PowerPoint, if you're
interested in technical services aspects about serials, you might check
out the serialst archives for ideas
(http://list.uvm.edu/archives/serialst.html) -- you can browse what people
are talking about or what current concerns are in the field and make a
presentation out of it.

Good luck!   --Birdie

        Birdie MacLennan
        Library Associate Professor
        Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging
        University of Vermont

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, teena apperson wrote:

> Hello all! I know my plea will probably seem very asinine to most and I
> do apologize before hand BUT I have a Powerpoint project looming for my
> technical services course and I have no clue what to do it on.  Is there
> someplace on the web or elsewhere where I can get a handle on this and
> get some ideas?  I am very new to librarianship so there lies the prob.
> I will be eternally grateful for any suggestions.  Thanks, Teena