Poor's manuals/records - replacement volumes available? Shana L. McDanold 22 Oct 2003 21:31 UTC

We have a variety of the Poor's volumes/sections/manuals/records titles
from the mid-1920s to the early 1940s.  The different titles cover
railroads, fiscal records, industrials and public utilities, with
several title changes for each topic.  They are really large volumes
(some almost 6 inches thick!) and are in really really bad shape.  Most
of them are beyond repair or rebinding and several of them have lost
their spines or fallen into multiple pieces.  With the shape they are
currently in, they just aren't very usable.

I am hoping someone on this list knows of a place we can get replacement
volumes hopefully in another format such as CD-ROM, fiche or film,
although replacement print for the worst of them would at least help.
 We have checked ProQuest and UMI with no results and even called Poors
(Standard and Poors) directly and asked them.  They do not offer their
back volumes in any format and know of no company that offers
replacements in any format either.  Has anyone acquired replacement
versions of the Poor's titles?  Does anyone know of a company that might?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Shana McDanold

Shana L. McDanold
Serials (and Non-Print Formats) Cataloger
Pius XII Memorial Library
Saint Louis University
Phone: (314) 977-3098
E-mail: mcdanold@slu.edu