Re: Citation request Mary Lou Epp 21 Oct 2003 15:16 UTC


MaryLou Epp                        email:
University Libraries             phone: (402) 472-2542
Acq/Ser.Rec.                         fax:       (402) 472-2534
302 Love Library
PO Box 880410
Lincoln NE  68588-0410

                      "Larmore, Dustin"
                      <dustin.larmore@D        To:       SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
                      SU.EDU>                  cc:
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  Citation request
                      Serials in
                      Discussion Forum"

                      10/21/2003 09:42
                      Please respond to
                      Serials in
                      Discussion Forum"

I have an unusual request.  I wrote a conference summary in the Cataloging
News section of Cataloging and classification quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1
(2003).  My library receives this title as a gift from one of my
predecessors, but she was unable to send us this issue.  Could some kind
librarian out there provide me with the page numbers of the conference
summary?  The title is "Serials Management Systems: Optimizing Full-Text
Control and Access, a conference presented by MINITEX Library Information
Network, May 6, 2002, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities."

I will be so grateful!  Thanks!

Dustin Larmore (
Instructor and Technical Services Librarian
Karl E. Mundt Library
Dakota State University
Madison, SD  57042-1799
Office: (605) 256-5204
FAX: (605) 256-5208