BOWKER'S GLOBAL BIP HOOKS TO HOLDINGS Lesley Tweddle 19 Oct 2003 10:00 UTC

Good morning.  I'd love to know how many libraries have implemented the
"Hooks to Holdings" facility of Bowker's GLOBAL BOOKS IN PRINT
(electronic).  It seems as though it should be very nice to have.  As
Serials librarians you may have been involved in co-ordinating the
technical information Bowker requires.  If so, please contact me if you
are willing - or if you have a colleague who is willing - to give hints
about the effect of choosing one or another of the Relation Attributes,
Position Attributes, Structure Attributes, etc.
Thanks!  (I don't really expect to be flooded with replies... )
Lesley Tweddle, tel. 797-6912

Head, Serials Department,
American University in Cairo - Libraries & Learning Technologies.
American University in Cairo, Library - Serials, 11 Youssef el-Guindy
Street, Bab el-Louk, Cairo, Egypt.
FAX 792-3824.  International dialling code from USA 011-202; from UK