Re: Donating journals John Lucas 16 Oct 2003 20:06 UTC


I believe the two you you are refering to are Backmed for Medical
Journals and Backserv for" THE REST "

Here is the URL:

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  ( 601) 984-1262

>>> DALaskow@AOL.COM 10/16/03 02:41PM >>>
I seem to remember there was a listserv proposed for people who
wanted to post lists of journals that were available for

Does anyone know of any such list, or have suggestions as to
where the best place to post this kind of information might be?
We have been gifted with several boxes of microfilm that we are
using to relieve a space crunch in one of our library stacks, and
would like to donate the print runs to someone who could use them
(chemistry and clinical titles).

You can reply directly to me, and I will summarize for the list.

Mary Laskow
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Princeton NJ