Re: Journal of cost management - title change or not? Regina Reynolds 14 Oct 2003 22:16 UTC


You are correct that addition or deletion of the word "journal" is now a
minor change even within the first 5 words of a title.  So, OCLC #25500412
is still the correct record.  It was been updated-- but a small but very
important punctuation mark was omitted: the note should have a hyphen "-"
after July/Aug.2003 to indicate this is an ongoing change.  I can have
that corrected, as well as reporting OCLC #52840462 for deletion as it
should not have been created.

As for the ISSN, the rules for the assignment of a new ISSN generally
follow the rules for the creation of a new record unless the new record is
created because the main entry changed, not the title. The ISSN center in
the country of publication is the ultimate authority on which titles are
assigned new ISSN.  In this case, the U.S. ISSN center, the National
Serials Data Program assigned a new ISSN to the previous title change--the
change from Journal of cost management for the manufacturing industry
to Journal of cost management but the publisher has
persisted in printing the ISSN of the former title.  From
reading the record, I see that NSDP conveyed information about the new
ISSN to the publisher via the U.S. Postal Service which uses the ISSN as
an identification number for publications mailed at "periodical
rate" postage rates.  We will again notify the publisher that he is
printing an incorrect ISSN.

I hope this answers your questions. NSDP will take care of the record
editing, duplicate record reporting, and incorrect ISSN notification.
(I have a very talented and hard-working staff!)

Regina  R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Shana L. McDanold wrote:

> We received a notification from Ebsco that this title has changed from
> Journal of cost management to Cost management as of v.17:no.4 (July/Aug
> 2003).  In the course of investigating this (I always double check
> vendor's notifications), a few questions have come up.
> 1. Is this really a title change or is this a minor change (under 21.2A2
> category i)?  I think I understand that the addition or deletion of the
> term "journal" is now a minor change even when it occurs within the
> first 5 words of the title.  If I'm wrong, someone please let me know.
> 2. According to the OCLC record for the Journal of cost management
> (OCLC# 25500412, DLC sn92-24143), which is open and a CONSER record, the
> ISSN that is currently on the journal is listed under subfield y
> (incorrect).  Why is this?  We only have v.16 onward of this title but
> all of our issues have the so-called "incorrect" ISSN on them.  I'm not
> familiar as to what makes an ISSN correct or incorrect, could someone
> please explain this to me?
> 3. Also in the OCLC record, a 246 was added for the "Cost management"
> title but the subfield i only specifies the title difference for the one
> issue.  The issue for Sept/Oct 2003 also has the title Cost management.
> 4. Someone has input a record for the title Cost management (OCLC#
> 52840462).  It is not a CONSER record.
> So, if this is not a title change, can someone please edit the 246 to
> reflect that the title difference is for the v.17:no.4 (July/Aug. 2003)
> issues on and not just the one issue?  And should the record for Cost
> management be reported for deletion?
> Thanks for your help,
> Shana
> --
> Shana L. McDanold
> Serials (and Non-Print Formats) Cataloger
> Pius XII Memorial Library
> Saint Louis University
> Phone: (314) 977-3098
> E-mail:

Regina  R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160