Re: Vendor for Microforms Schueler, Rhonda N 14 Oct 2003 20:22 UTC

Thank you Mr. Osment.

You will have to excuse me for asking such questions, but from the sounds of
it: you have to send your periodicals to them for filming?  Or are they like

I am new to the Library world and am unfamiliar with a lot of things.

Thank you and I hope you are under the belief that no question is a stupid

Rhonda Schueler
ILL/Serials Specialist
North Harris Montgomery Community College District
(832) 813-6587

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Osment [mailto:BillOsment@KCLIBRARY.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: Vendor for Microforms

We have sent out various items to Southwest Micro, and to American Micro,
which is located here in Kansas City.  Most of what we receive comes from

Bill Osment
Periodicals Librarian
Kansas City Public Library

"Kansas City Public Library
connects a diverse community
to resources that inform, enrich
and entertain."

-----Original Message-----
From: Schueler, Rhonda N [mailto:Rhonda.N.Schueler@NHMCCD.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:11 PM
Subject: Vendor for Microforms

Is anyone using some other vendor than ProQuest for their microforms?

Rhonda Schueler
ILL/Serials Specialist
North Harris Montgomery Community College District
(832) 813-6587