Question on possible title change??? European Journal of Surgical Oncology John Lucas 17 Sep 2003 20:19 UTC

Colleagues All:

Apparently this has been happening with most of the 2003 issues. (I am too
lazy right now to go downstairs and look at each issue).

European Journal of SUrgical Oncology, has placed on its cover EJSO the
Journal of Cancer Surgery (smaller print).  Above the acronym, it gives
the names of the societies that it is the Official Journal of.  (sic)

The Spine of the Issues now say only EJSO .  The Table of Contents and the
First page of each article display EJSO (large print and in miniscule
print below add "European Journal of Surgical Oncology").

The information the publisher places in the issues describing the
Aims/Scope, the publication information, mailing, advertising, etc. only
indicate EJSO

(quick question) What is the proper term for this publisher information
placed in the issue(s))

Aims & Scope
  " The EJSO aims to educate and inform..."

Publication information
   "EJSO (ISSN 0748-7983). For 2003,....   "

The issn is still for European Journal of Surgical Oncology.

Both OCLC and the National Library of Medicine Catalog still have European
Journal of Surgical Oncology.

All thoughts, rantings and ravings will be greatly appreciated. If one of
the latter two, please delete the expletives.(I rant and rave too much, so
I know)

Have a great rest of your lives (a day is too limited)

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  ( 601) 984-1262