Re: Alpha or Subject (i.e., call number) order? Lanell Rabner 04 Sep 2003 21:29 UTC

Brigham Young University arranges periodicals by call number - bound
next to unbound - located in our Periodicals Room.

Lanell Rabner
Electronic Licensing and Resources Coordinator
Brigham Young University
2129 HBLL
Provo, Utah 84602

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Valerie A. Lang
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: Alpha or Subject (i.e., call number) order?

Hi all,

I am the one who sent the message below some months back. My sincere
thanks for the many responses received.

The responses spurred another question:  How many of you actually have
your periodicals in call number or subject order?  The prospect of
converting our periodical arrangement from alpha to subject matter
(hence call number) order has many implications and is surely more
complicated than originally anticipated.  Frankly we are wondering what
other academic libraries are doing out there re: arrangement of their
periodical collections.

If you would simply send me a quick e-mail off the list indicating
whether your periodicals are in alpha or subject matter order, that
would be wonderful.  If there is interest I'll summarize for the


Valerie A. Lang, J.D., M.L.S.
Hudson Valley Community College
Troy, NY

-----Original Message-----
From: Valerie A. Lang [mailto:langval@HVCC.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: Newcomer question


I am a relatively new periodicals librarian at Hudson Valley Community
College.  I would like to group our periodicals according to subject
matter, provide this list in hardcopy format (in a binder), and also via
a link off of our Library web page.

We have a very large, outdated binder titled "Periodicals:  Alphabetical
by Academic Division."  This will not work at this point; it is too
outdated. Our journals are physically arranged in the Library in
alphabetical order, so we really cannot base this prospective subject
list of periodicals on the arrangement of our collection.

Does anyone have experience with creating such a list - and any advice
on pitfalls to avoid, things that worked, etc.  Otherwise, I'll just
start plugging.......


Valerie A. Lang
Periodicals Librarian
Troy, NY 12180