Margaret Mann Citation: call for nominations (David Miller)
Ann Ercelawn 24 Sep 2003 19:40 UTC
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 08:52:16 -0400
From: "Miller, David" <>
Subject: FW: Margaret Mann Citation: call for nominations
-----Original Message-----
The Margaret Mann Citation Committee is now accepting nominations
for the award to be presented at the ALA Annual Conference in June
The Margaret Mann Citation is awarded by the ALA ALCTS Cataloging
and Classification Section for outstanding professional achievement
in cataloging or classification either through publication of
significant professional literature, participation in professional
cataloging associations, or valuable contributions to practice in
individual libraries.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center will donate a $2,000
scholarship to the US or Canadian library school of the winning
author's choice.
The Margaret Mann Citation Committee bases its selection on
nominations made by members of the profession or friends of the
profession-anyone with a worthy candidate is urged to nominate that
Achievements to be considered include:
1. Notable publications, such as an article, pamphlet or book;
2. Outstanding contribution to the activities of professional
cataloging associations;
3. Outstanding contribution to the technical improvement of
cataloging and classification and /or the introduction of a new
technique of recognized importance.
4. Outstanding contribution in the area of teaching cataloging and
Except in unusual circumstances, the achievement shall have
culminated within the last five years.
Nationally and professional association membership are not among the
Submission procedure: The nomination shall include the formal
statement of concern with some rationale and a resume or narrative
summary of the nominee's career and achievements. Nominations of
those nominated in a given year but who are not selected for the
citation that year will be forwarded to the following year's
committee for automatic reconsideration. Further consideration
beyond this requires renomination.
Endorsements or "seconds" are welcomed inasmuch as they provide
substantive information on the achievements of the candidate, but
the number of additional letters is not the sole determining factor
in the selection.
Deadline for nominations is November 7.
Send nominations to: Kate Harcourt,