SERIALST administrative notes Birdie MacLennan 19 Aug 2003 21:36 UTC

Greetings All,

This is a brief message to make note of some SERIALST administrative
details.  First, SERIALST has recently passed the 3,000 subscriber mark.
We've been hovering close to that number for some time, but this is the
first time I've noticed that we've gone beyond it.  The subscriber base
currently stands at 3,001 members in 47 countries.

Second, there have been some updates to the SERIALST web pages ( ) -- nothing too
dramatic here, though, the SERIALST Scope & Purpose statement has been
slightly revised in an attempt to offer clearer guidelines and examples
for what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate use of SERIALST.
There is also information for contributors -- about how messages should be
formatted for submission (plain text; no attachments).
Other, more general, information about finding information in the SERIALST
archives, or how to manage your SERIALST subscription and who to contact
(remember the "serialst-request" address?) if you encounter subscription
problems or need help, can also be found here.

Thanks, as always, to my co-moderators and colleagues for their ongoing
help and support in maintaining SERIALST:  Ann Ercelawn (Vanderbilt),
Stephen Clark (College of William & Mary), Marcia Tuttle (Chapel Hill,
NC), John Ryder and Sharon Provost (UVM Computing Operations).

Thanks also to you, dear readers and contributors, for your participation
and presence, for shaping the content, sharing perspectives and ideas, and
really making SERIALST the forum that it is.

        Birdie MacLennan
        SERIALST Listowner/Moderator
        Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging
        University of Vermont