Fwd: librarian humor Mitch Turitz 11 Jun 2003 19:02 UTC

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You've probably seen this, but if not....

>Any catalogers out there, and even non-catalogers, may find this humorous.


>- Bruce Thomas, Librarian
>"Against stupidity even the Gods contend in vain".  -Schiller

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  _^_                                                 _^_
(___)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ( ___ )
|   |                                               |   |
|   |     Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian           |   |
|   |     San Francisco State University Library    |   |
|   |     President,                                |   |
|   |     SFSU California Faculty Association       |   |
|   |     voice: (415) 338-7883                     |   |
|   |     CFA:   (415) 338-6232                     |   |
|   |     FAX:   (415) 405-0394                     |   |
|   |                                               |   |
(___)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-==- ( ___ )
   V                                                   V
           http://www.cfasf.org   (SFSU web site)
                   cfasf@igc.org) or Mitch Turitz (x. 87883; turitz@sfsu.edu)
           http://www.calfac.org/  (CFA State-wide web site)