Moody's/Mergent microfiche titles - help please
Shana L. McDanold 11 Jun 2003 17:28 UTC
Good afternoon.
I need some help. All of the Moody's "manuals" changed to Mergent
"manuals" in 2000/2001. The title changes have been completed for the
print records in OCLC; however, they have not been completed for the
microfiche records in OCLC and I cannot edit them. We are part of a
consortium, so we try not to edit records locally as they are shared
with several other libraries. Could someone please close the Moody's
titles? There are records already for the Mergent titles on microfiche
in OCLC. I can send you a list of the OCLC#s and titles for both the
Moody's and the Mergent microfiche records; just let me know if you are
able to help me out! I'd really appreciate it.
Shana L. McDanold
Serials Cataloger
Pius XII Memorial Library
Saint Louis University