Re: Eliminating Serials check-in Adam R. Wilder 30 May 2003 18:46 UTC

Dear Regina:

It's a wonderful idea if you don't care if you get the items for which you
have paid.  It is the equivalent of eliminating monograph receiving and
just sending invoices for payment.  I think you'd have major problems
trying to justify the decision to both internal and external auditors.

Adam Wilder
Serials Acquisitions Supervisor
Temple University Libraries

At 11:14 AM 5/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>As a former technical services librarian, I'm interested in learning
>more about the possibility of discontinuing loose issue check-in.  Are
>there any academic libraries who have done this?  Are any of you
>considering eliminating this step?
>Any information on this topic would be appreciated.
>Thank you,
>Regina McBride, Ph.D.
>Associate Dean
>Library and Information Services
>Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
>Campus Box 1063
>Edwardsville, IL  62026-1036
>(618) 650-5198  Office
>(618) 650-2717  Fax