Re: ANSI standard interpretion
Cecelia N. Boone 28 May 2003 16:45 UTC
Good Morning, Lucy & all,
We would use the 2 in this case -- since the publication has changed title
and no longer exists under that name. (In hair-splitting mode, we'd use
the 2 if the reporting library holds issues all the way to the title
change. If the library's holding ended prior to the title change, we'd use
a 5 because the holding is not "complete" in that it stops short of the end.)
Make sense? Feel free to disagree.
Cecelia Boone
MINITEX Library Information Network
(We act as agent for MULS, the MINITEX Union List of Serials, which
contains holdings for libraries in MN, ND, and SD.)
At 11:10 AM 5/28/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I am updating my Union List holdings and need help interpreting one of
>the new
>Aquisition Status Indicators. (ANSI/NISO Z39.71-1999)
>Indicator 2 says Received and complete or Ceased
>Does Ceased include ceased because of a title change ? For
>Medical Group Management Journal is now MGMA Connexion. It is still
>being published only under another name.
>So, should I have 5 Not currently received (what would have been
>done in the past ) or 2 Ceased even though they are still
>publishing under another name ?
>Thanks for any insight.
>Lucy Crews
>Grafton Library
>Mary Baldwin College