Re: Check in software question Barb Dietsch 12 May 2003 14:34 UTC

You might investigate CASPRs LibraryWorld software.

It's not perfect, but none of them are ;)


 Barbara Dietsch, Serials Coordinator
 EPA Library - UNC Contract Staff
 109 Alexander Drive (C267-01)
 Research Triangle Park, NC  27711

Betty Murr <bmurr01@MAIL.WIN> wrote:


A side question, regarding periodical and serials check-ins:  our library
has been using an outdated dos software called EC2 for the past 6-8 years.
It is no longer available and is not being supported that I can ascertain.
Anyone not using a major library automation system with the serials module
included?  What kind of check in systems are available for us?  Any