Re: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics
Chris Blackman 08 May 2003 16:33 UTC
Should have mentioned that the German title still appears on the piece
with the new ISSN; it is now the parallel title.
Chris Blackman wrote:
>A bit of a confusing situation regarding this title (OCLC #1640929, LCCN
>Armed with new CCM, AACR2 2002, and my upgraded understanding of
>major/minor changes in title, I happily started to update my old record
>for "Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv" rather than create a new record for
>"Review of world economics = Weltwirtshaftliches Archiv". I added a 500
>note for this minor change to show that the former English parallel
>title is now considered to be the main title (according to CCM 16.2.4.
>Minor changes in title proper, Category e. The order of titles changes
>when the title is given in more than one language).
>I was happy with this until I noticed that the ISSN had changed as well!
>Hmmm. This is a first for me at least: where ISSN rules recognized a
>change in title that AACR2 did not. I'm wondering now if a new record
>really is required in this case or if just editing the 022 on the old
>record is required (e.g. 1610-2878 $y 0043-2636). Did the ISSN center
>assign a new number because the parallel English title only appeared
>later in the publication history (e.g. 245 reads "Weltwirtschaftliches
>Archiv" and 246 reads "Vols. for 1972-<1999> have title also in English:
>Review of world economics")?
>Any insights?
>Christine Blackman
>Catalog Librarian
>Williams College Libraries
>55 Sawyer Library Drive.
>Williamstown, MA 01267
>(413) 597-4403