Paper cancellations? -- Mia Brazill
Stephen Clark 14 Apr 2003 18:22 UTC
Subject: Paper cancellations?
From: "Mia Brazill" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 13:07:34 -0400
Greetings,I just joined rejoined this list two minutes ago after an
absence of a couple of years. I need you help. I would appreciate
hearing from people who have canceled paper for Project Muse and such
publisher collections as Oxford University Press. Have you had any
problems, do you have any regrets about this move? I am specifically
concerned with the possibility that certain content, i.e., book reviews,
may be missing from the online versions. Have there been incidents
where this has been the case? We generally have been comfortable, if
not happy, letting paper go in the sciences, but there is resistance in
the social sciences and humanities. We have all kinds of positive
things to say about why we need to do this and the advantages of online,
but we don't have answers for the negatives (missing content, archiving
concerns, loss of browsability, etc.). Any insights, experiences,
advice, are appreciated.Regards,
Mia Brazill, Coordinator
Collection Development/Acquisitions
Smith College Libraries, Northampton, MA 01063-0001
tel: 413 585-2922; fax: 413 585-2968;