Fizika A and Fizika B: ceased publications? -- Victoria Sha Stephen Clark 14 Apr 2003 17:05 UTC

Subject:  Fizika A and Fizika B: ceased publications?
From:  "Sha, Shyue-Rong" <vsha@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
Date:  Mon, 14 Apr 2003 08:39:40 -0700

Hi all,

We have subscribed both Fizika A (ISSN 1330-0008) and Fizika B (ISSN
1330-0016) for years, but lately our subscription agency informed me
that they can not locate the publisher's contact information, so our
year 2003 subscription has been cancelled.  I tried to contact the
publisher directly via email and fax, but no response so far, I also
checked their web site and found no information regarding if they ceased
publication or not.  Both of them are online journals and no articles
published in 2003.  Does anyone know what is going on about these two
journals?   Any information would be helpful.

Thank you,

Victoria Sha
Collection Development/Acquisitions Librarian
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Victoria Sha                                    Library-Acquisitions
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center      Phone: 650-926-4386
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 82                      Fax: 650-926-4905
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