Adding holdings on OCLC for ejournals -- Steve Oberg
Stephen Clark 13 Mar 2003 14:18 UTC
Subject: Adding holdings on OCLC for ejournals
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 09:08:20 -0500
From: "Oberg, Steve" <STOBERG@TAYLORU.EDU>
Pardon me if this question has already been thoroughly discussed or if
the answer is obvious to some...but I'll ask it of you all anyway.
Recently we began a project to integrate free, scholarly, peer-reviewed
ejournals into our web-based periodical list and our online catalog.
In most cases there is copy for these titles available on OCLC.
I had assumed an obligation on my part to add our holdings symbol to
any record we exported from OCLC. However, within literally a few
days, we suddenly started getting ILL requests for articles from these
freely available ejournals. For a variety of reasons this is not at
all desirable from our ILL department's standpoint and they simply
don't even want to receive requests like this at all. I was asked to
remove our holdings symbol from the records I had already used, and to
not add our holdings symbol to new records that I added into our online
catalog. Some people I've consulted have said this isn't ok, some have
said this
approach is fine.
One thing I have found in OCLC's documentation that pertains to this is
the following principles statement:
That's not to say there isn't something clearly stated elsewhere, it's
just that I haven't found it yet.
What is the correct approach? Your guidance or insights would be
Steve Oberg -- Electronic Resources Librarian
Taylor University -- Zondervan Library