M.C. Horsey -- Jim Flury Stephen Clark 12 Mar 2003 19:16 UTC

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 13:12:36 -0500 (EST)
From: Jim Flury <jflury@tln.lib.mi.us>
Subject: M.C. Horsey

Does anyone know if this company, publisher of the Stock Report, is
still in business? One of our libraries subscribes to their publication,
but they have not seen any issues since late last year.

Jim Flury, Head of Acquisitions Services     734-281-3830
The Library Network                          fax 734-281-1817
TLN Building                                 e-mail jflury@tln.lib.mi.us
13331 Reeck Road
Southgate, MI 48195