Re: Workflow for e-journals -- Susan E. Sturgeon Stephen Clark 07 Mar 2003 14:26 UTC

From: "Susan E. Sturgeon" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:04:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Workflow for e-journals -- Barbara Rauch

Look into SerialsSolutions or TDNet.

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 08:52:50 -0500

 > Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 12:19:11 +1300
 > From: "Barbara Rauch" <>
 > Subject: Workflow for e-journals
 > Hi
 > We are trying to make our serials electronic access only as far as
 > possible, so we began by purchasing large aggregated databases. The
 > intention was to reduce duplication by not keeping the print version,
 > if it also comes online. Now we have duplicated online resources where
 > the aggregators lists of journals overlap and of course the online
 > version where it comes as part of the print sub.
 > Anyway I'm digressing.
 > Does anyone have a systematic method or workflow to manage things
 > like identifying duplicated online access, identifying the print +
 > online subs. titles with embargoes (of which we will continue to keep in
 > print), publisher restrictions (like 'must have sub. to Emerald/Wiley/
 > or whatever'), claims for the online part of the sub.,
 > consortia payments (which means more than one vendor i.e. the one
 > that invoices and the one that gives access, which are frequently
 > different) and so on?
 > We will be going live with Voyager in December. Perhaps this will
 > help, but I'm sceptical. Perhaps an Access database will help as there
 > are so many variables. This is the way I'm thinking of going, but am I
 > just created uneccessary work for myself?
 > How do others keep track of this kind of info.?
 > I hope I'm not the only one swimming through mud over this.
 > Barbara
 > Barbara Rauch, Acquisitions Librarian
 > Auckland University of Technology Library /
 > Te Whare Matauranga
 > Room W301, A Block
 > 59 Wellesley Street East,
 > Private Bag 92006
 > Auckland 1020, New Zealand
 > Ph: (09) 917 9999 ex 8874
 > Fx: (09) 917 9977

Susan Sturgeon
Serials Librarian
Salem State College Library
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA 01970
(978) 542-6765

Salem State College