Re: Serials Copy Cataloging Job Descriptions -- Mykie Howard Stephen Clark 17 Mar 2003 18:30 UTC

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 13:05:46 -0500
From: Mykie Howard <>
Subject: Serials Copy Cataloging Job Descriptions

Thanks to everyone for the list and personal responses I've seen.  I
definitely agree with you all on this.  I DO think that copy catalogers
can/should do new titles w/good training, documentation, and notes.  I
just needed some responses from you all to back me up.

Thanks for your help!

 >Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:15:45 -0500
 >Subject: Re: Serials Copy Cataloging Job Descriptions -- Frieda Rosenberg
 >Sender: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
 >Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 16:56:02 -0500
 >From: Frieda Rosenberg <>
 >Organization: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library
 >Subject: Re: Serials Copy Cataloging Job Descriptions Mykie Howard
 >Yes to first question, clarification of second: judgment's a mental
 >quality we can all develop (not just professionals).  With good training
 >and documentation, standard notes and firm procedures for things like
 >"limited" retention, and a way to search call numbers, your library can
 >assign this task to trained support staff.  An experienced
 >person--possibly a librarian--will need to give help in choosing a call
 >number if the copy lacks a call number or your policy demands checking
 >all call numbers.
 >Work with obscure older titles is far more risky than work with new
 >titles because of defects in old copy, yet recon (even involving
 >splitting up titles) is often done by support staff.
 >Frieda Rosenberg
 >UNC--Chapel Hill
 >  > Do your paraprofessional serials copy catalogers catalog new titles or
 >  > not?  Do you think cataloging new titles needs a little more judgement
 >  > from a professional librarian on assigning/checking call numbers,
 >  > notes, and checking for retention notes than title changes need?  Just
 >  > curious...
 >  >
 >  > Thanks,
 >  >
 >  > ******************************
 >  > Mykie Howard, MSLS
 >  > Serials Acquisitions Librarian
 >  > George Washington University
 >  > Gelman Library
 >  > 2130 H Street NW
 >  > Washington, DC 20052
 >  >
 >  > Phone:202-994-1321
 >  > Fax:202-994-5154
 >  >
 >  > ******************************
 >Frieda Rosenberg
 >Serials Cataloging
 >#3914 Davis Library
 >UNC-Chapel Hill
 >Tel. 919  962-2050
 >FAX. 919  962-4450
 >        ;   : : ;
 >     :  ;  : ;   ;
 >    ; :   ;  : ;   ;
 >   ; :  : _\ /
 >           )       it's spring....
 >     ... .. . ...