Re: Print Indexes/Abstracts -- Carol Morse Stephen Clark 12 Feb 2003 18:15 UTC

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 08:52:03 -0800
From: "Carol Morse" <>
Subject: Re: Print Indexes/Abstracts -- Susan Beidler

We did some of all the below.  We discarded indexes that are now on the
computer, like Eric & Medline.  We put most of them in off-site storage
(in a separate alphabet from the old periodicals), and left a few in the
reference area.
Carol Morse

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 11:17:33 -0500
Subject: Print Indexes/Abstracts

We are approaching a space crunch in our library and are evaluating
we might handle some of the print indexes and abstracts that have been
replaced by electronic formats.  We are a small, 4-year college
with no graduate programs.  I've been asked to survey practice at
similar undergraduate libraries.

To set the stage, we no longer maintain print subscriptions to the
indexes and abstracts in question, so the question is what to do with
the print volumes we have.  Obviously these decisions will be made on
title by title basis, but I'm looking for solutions that you may have
implemented, and any lessons learned from the process.

Some of the options we're considering include:

1.  Keep the print volumes, but move them out of reference and
them with the journal backfiles.

2.  Keep the print volumes, but move them to a small off-site storage
facility, or to our basement storage area.

3.  Simply withdraw the print volumes and rely on the electronic

4.  Keep only the print volumes that are not covered by the electronic
resource (i.e. keep only the Library Literature volumes prior to 1980)
but withdraw and dispose of the duplicated more recent years.  Keep
those retained volumes in the reference area.

5.  Do option 4, but retain the volumes in off-site/basement storage.

On another, similar note, what have you done with your sets of the
National Union Catalog?

Thanks for your thoughtful responses.  If you prefer, respond to me
directly and I will summarize for the list.

Sue Beidler
Snowden Library
Lycoming College
700 College Place
Williamsport PA 17701

phone: 570-321-4084
fax:      570 321-4090