Re: Link checking software (Fatme Charafeddine) John Buelow 07 Feb 2003 16:16 UTC


We've had very good luck using Web Link Validator, which is available from  It costs $50-300, depending on the number
of links you'll be wanting to check.

Brief instructions as follows: Select Link Verification Mode icon at upper
left.  Set View-Options-Connections to 20.  Check the box at
View-Options-Duplicate URLs.  Use Action-Import to bring your list of URLs
into the program.  Press the Select icon to select all links, then hit the
Verify icon.  Take a long lunch.  Depending on how busy the next is, it
takes between two and eight hours to check 40,000 links.

Once you've cleaned up any backlog of broken links, I'd suggest running the
linkchecker every other month to check for new problems.

John Buelow
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA 24062


At 09:24 AM 2/7/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>From: "Fatme Charafeddine" <>
>Subject: links
>Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 12:43:23 +0200
>Do you know of any software that can regularly check all
>our elecronic journals links and provides reports of disconnected, or
>not working links ?
>Thanks for your time and help
>Fatme Charafeddine
>Serials Librarian/Jafet Library
>American University of Beirut
>PO Box 11-0236
>Beirut Lebanon
>Fax 961 1 744 703
>Tel. 961 1 350 000 (2608)