CC:DA meetings at Midwinter Kristin Lindlan 21 Jan 2003 17:39 UTC

The ALCTS/CCS/Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access will hold two
meetings at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, PA:

        Saturday, January 25, 2:00 - 5:30 PM
        Monday, January 27, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

In addition, the following Task Forces will meet:

        Task Force on Consistency Across Part I of AACR2:
        Friday, January 24, 3:30 - 5:30 PM [note the late start time]

        Task Force on Reconceptualization of Chapter 9:
        Saturday, January 25, 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon

        Task Force on an Appendix of Major and Minor Changes:
        Sunday, January 26, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

The agenda for the CC:DA meetings is available at:

The agenda contains links to CC:DA documents that will be discussed at the
meetings (with one exception, which is available only to CC:DA members and

The Saturday afternoon meeting will feature reports from the Library of
Congress Representative, Barbara Tillett, from the IFLA Cataloguing
Section, by Glenn Patton, and from the National Information Standards
Organization (NISO), by Paul Weiss. There will be a report from the ALA
Representative to the Joint Steering Committee, Matthew Beacom, who will
report on the September 2002 meeting of JSC in York, England. Finally, the
Task Force on Major and Minor Changes will present its draft publication
"Differences Between, Changes Within: Guidelines on When to Create a New

The Monday morning CC:DA meeting will include reports on a program and a
preconference at the 2003 Annual Conference in Toronto, from ALA Publishing
Services by Donald Chatham, from the CC:DA Webmaster, and from the MARBI
representative. The meeting will also include discussion of several new
rule revision proposals:

    A proposal from the Map and Geography Round Table to correct an example
in rule 3.1F1
    A proposal for an additional example in rule 3.5B3
    A proposal to simplify rule 12.1E1

The Monday meeting will also include reports from two Task Forces:

    The newly-formed Task Force on Reconceptualization of Chapter 9,
chaired by Michael Chopey, will present an interim report; note that the
Task Force is meeting on Saturday morning from 10:00-12:00;

    The Task Force on Consistency Across Part I of AACR2, chaired by John
Attig, will present rule revision proposals covering Areas 2 (Edition) and
3 (Material-Specific Details); the Task Force will be meeting Friday
afternoon from 3:30-5:30 PM.

All meetings are open and observers are welcome.